Please mail this letter to people you think that are interested.



Since 1999, Rapid Eye Movement organizes the theatrical performance called the "Theatre of War".


Why violence - Why war

We are setting out to examine the different forms violence takes in our society and how it affects our 
values and our being. We do this in a pragmatic way, in a series of short pieces of drama

War, an accumulation of violence, seems to play a central role in global events. 
Everybody experiences it: some through the spectacular news footage on TV, 
others find themselves the actors in this horrifying drama.

In "Theatre of War" we want to bring personal stories onto the stage; stories about individuals and
 their experience of violence. Stories that are taking place now, right at this moment. 
The project is not concerned with the sensational. It's about different views on the subject of violence and war.

Our goal is to open minds and find ways to reconsider the violence that takes place in our society. 
By revealing personal stories we hope to take away the current label "not my cup of tea".

The performance entitled "Theatre of War" will use the Internet to explore the
consequences of the lifting of limitations on communication and the growing notion of global consciousness.



We are hereby inviting
/you to participate in our project.

Contribute a monologue (one page or about 650 words maximum).

Theme: "Experiencing violence from my point of view."
Official language: English
Add a one-sentence description of your monologue that can be used in a listing.
Send us this monologue by e-mail. Include your name, e-mail address and
country. Let us know if you don't want your name to be publicized.

We will also accept anonymous uploads. *)

The monologues we receive will be displayed on our site and be used in the performance, always 
with great respect. If you prefer to stay anonymous, we guarantee that. 
If a monologue is a suitable starting point for on-line participation, 
we will invite the writer to participate in next coming live performance.

Please contact us and feel free to ask for more information.


Rogier Schippers dramatist, actor

Pieter Verhees, director. 

